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Blood of the Pure - Booktrailer

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Update Day - Arnae ^_^

Here it is! A few more chapters.
Feel free to follow the links and read them ^_^

I'm just to tired. Sleepyyyy ..... 😚

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Denial Update ^_^

A few more Chapters.
Feel free to follow the links and read them ^_^

Wish you all a wonderful week!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Gaea Chapter 2 - Part 1,2,3

A new chapter. Just click on the images to read.
Hope you enjoy ^_^

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

New Bulk Update - Gaea

Damn, I fell behind again. I've been lacking the time to update the blog as frequently as I intended to. But I guess uploading the chapters on time is more important. And so here it is, another bulk update, this time of my other book "Blood of the Pure", from Gaea's Collection. 😊
I will be uploading the 1st part of the next chapter tomorrow (hopefully). 😅
Just follow the links. I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Bulk Update =^_^=

  Ok, since I started uploading chapters to the site first my blog isn't quite up to date. So here they are, all the chapters uploaded until now. Just click on the images to read them online. After this updates will be slower. I'm trying to update every other day but since writing doesn't actually put food on my table I still have to work like everyone else and sometimes I lack the time to do what I love most 😭
  Oh well, I hope you enjoy and if you want to know when the next update is made just subscribe on the site.

All the best and good readings,


The Universe of Arnae - Book 1 - Chapter 2 (P1)


 The Universe of Arnae - Book 1 - Chapter 2 (P2)


The Universe of Arnae - Book 1 - Chapter 2 (P3)

ch2 -p3

The Universe of Arnae - Book 1 - Chapter 2 (P4)


The Universe of Arnae - Book 1 - Chapter 2 (P5)


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Universe of Arnae - Book 1 - Chapter 1 (P1)

A slow start, I know ... Still, no matter how many times I read it I still feel that, for structure sake, a few grounding chapters are needed. I'll have lots of characters, in this book, all rather important, and I intend to give them all a little bit of attention. After all, they're all very precious to me ^_^
Here is the start of chapter 1. Since to many words on a page can get very tiring I'll be dividing my chapters into parts.
Click the image to read it online and have fun. 

The Universe of Arnae - Allana

This is Allana, one of the main Characters of Denial.
Click on the image to know more about her!

The Universe of Gaea - Book 1 - Prologue

And here it is, the beginning of a long road. Just click on the image to read it free, online. I hope you enjoy it. I plan to update de site at least once a week, though it will be more frequently than that. Feel free to leave your comments, critics and so on.


Monday, February 11, 2019

A late 2019 start

  Sooo ....

  Starting 2019, after a few hard years now thankfully in the past, I've decided to dedicate myself to writing.
  As some of you may be aware of, being a writer is hard as hell. It means long hours in front of a computer, lots of patience, dedication and, ultimately, a deep love. All for all of you readers out there to be able to read our words and criticize the hell out of us. 😁
  But hey, without readers writers would be even sadder. No one really enjoys having something they like hidden away in a drawer and not being able to share it with other people.
And so, I've decided to share with you all - lovers, haters, fans, critics and so on - my beloved worlds, characters and their stories. I've put some work into it (being a perfectionist and all) and created 2 websites (that still need some work to be 100%, I admit),one for each dimension / world.
  In "The Universe of Arnae" I'll be happily traveling to another, different world, filled with magic, knights, royals, dragons and even a few elves. Arnae was the first world I've created and I have so much info about it that it's hard to filter it so it won't get too boring. I have maps and notes (still in paper, yes, since I'm an old timer and all) scattered every where. Now I'm translating and reviewing the manuscripts and will be uploading them bit by bit, hopefully at least every week.
  "The Children of Gaea", my second site, will be home to the the parallel dimensions of Assiah, our material world. I'll allow those that inhabit those parallel worlds to have a voice and tell a bit about their place in this planet that is our home.
  As with all my stories, you readers can always expect fantasy and romance, a bit of action and drama. So feel free to comment away! I'll read them all, though I can't promise I'll answer them all.
  Above all, writing is what I love to do, and so I'll do it. If you like what I write, please feel free to keep reading, follow my updates and send me lots of love. 😘 If you area hater that's fine too. I also don't like every book my eyes lay on. Just know that I'm writing because I like it, and not specifically to make you happy, though I'd really rather you'd share my love ♥
  Ultimately, let's all be happy, yes?