I should be updating my other novel but who can resist Gabriel? -_-
Well, the truth is that this book has already been reviewed a few times, while Denial is a bit more complicated, and I've been so tired lately that I always turn to the easiest task.
Since both chapters are a bit small I did 2 this time.
Blood of the Pure - Chapter 26
Blood of the Pure - Chapter 27
If you're one of my beloved supporters at Patreon you can read them right now. If not (shame on you!) just wait a few more days and it will be public available.
Right now the entire book is available until chapter 21.
I hope you enjoy ^_^
"Hei author! What about the cover for the next book? When will you do that?"
The author looks up at the sky, turns around a whistles while pirouetting down the street.
"Did you hear that? The wind, it's definitely the wind ..."
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