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Blood of the Pure - Booktrailer

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Blood of the Pure - Chapter Nine - The Chalice

The Chalice

The Chalice has always been a symbol of all things involving healing, fertility, death or immortality.
In Christianity is seen as the symbol to the cup of the Last Supper, through which Jesus offered his blood or Spirit as a sacrifice for humanity’s benefit. Later it became an object of spiritual quest, in the form of the Holy Grail. Nowadays the ritual chalice used in the Catholic Mass is a ritualistic object where wine is symbolically transformed into the "blood" of thye God. This in turn is drawn from the older Hebrew tradition of the Kiddush ir Bride's Cup, which represents the presence of God during the Sabbath and at Passover.

In the Sufi tradition, the chalice symbolizes the vessel that contains.
Its esoteric symbol is associated with purification and transformation, life and healing, energy and manifestation. The chalice has the purpose “to keep life alive until the world is awake.” 

The Chalice is also used in Wiccan and Ritual Magick ceremonies, representing the element of water, receptivity, feminine energy, and form. It represents the Goddess of feminine principal in a number of rituals.
It is also related to the suite of cups in the Tarot deck, and the watery signs of the Zodiac.


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